Hydrogen Solutions

Real-time Electrolyser Performance Dashboard

A fully customisable, cloud-based solution that revolutionises the way operators manage and monitor electrolyser performance. Seamlessly view critical parameters such as H2 flow rate & pressure, stack and system efficiency, DC/AC power consumption, cooling temperatures, and much more, all in real-time. Accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, our electrolyser dashboard is compatible across multiple devices including PCs, Macs, tablets, and smartphones, ensuring you have the insights you need, whenever and wherever you require them.

Man utilising the twenty four seven real time dashboard for the IMI VIVO electrolyser
Engineer checks solar panels while viewing electrolyser vitals
24 hour

Real-time electrolyser monitoring in your pocket

Key features

Electrolyser dashboard displaying flow rate, pressure, production values, power usage etc

Key features

The platform offers fully customisable, cloud-based, real-time monitoring of the electrolyser.

The smart sensors can send email warnings for unusual behavior, ensuring timely intervention.

Operators can monitor all parameters such as hydrogen flow rate & pressure, stack and system efficiency, DC/AC power consumption, cooling temperatures, and many more.

IMI VIVO can provide a standard metrics set up or it can be customised to display data as the user would prefer it. It can even be adapted to brand colours and logos.

The team can get a quick, detailed and historic picture of performance to help diagnose any unexpected issues you encounter on site.

The dashboard provides you with a detailed weekly email summary of the electrolyser’s performance.

The dashboard works from anywhere with an internet connection and is available on PC and Mac, tablet and smartphone.

Our experts will help you through every stage of the process

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